David Morris 8-14-16
David Morris’ sermon on Sunday morning August 7th 2016 at Highland church of Christ. “Easy Ways to Let God’s Word Shape You” from Deuteronomy 6:6-7 & Psalm 1:1-2.
The morning worship service’s sermon at Highland church of Christ by David Morris on Sunday July 31st. On being a part of the whole church and what the effect on our life is.
Sermon from Highland church of Christ on July 17th, 2016 by David Morris. Focusing on life after death from Psalms 90 and 1 Corinthians 15 as well as other verses.
Sermon from Highland church of Christ on July 7th, 2016 by David Morris entitled “I Believe In God.”
Sermon from Highland church of Christ on Sunday morning June 6, 2016 by David Morris on letting your light shine.
Sermon at the Highland church of Christ in Columbia, TN by David Morris during our morning worship service on June 5, 2016.