Resurrection Living (Easter Sunday AM Online Worship – 4/12/2020) April 12, 2020 David Morris Belief, Bible, Forgivness, God, Gospel, Grace, Healing, Hope, Jesus, Love, Salvation, Scripture, Sin, Truth 1 Peter, Luke
His Kingdom (PM Sermon) February 16, 2020 Brian Gregory Bible, Disciple, God, heaven, Jesus, Kingdom, Scripture 2 Samuel, Genesis, Isaiah, Luke, Matthew, Revelation
His Kingdom (AM Sermon) February 16, 2020 Brian Gregory Bible, church, commands, God, heaven, Jesus, Kingdom, Scripture 2 Samuel, Genesis, Isaiah, Luke, Matthew, Revelation
Area-Wide Youth Rally 2020 February 9, 2020 Guest Speaker Bible, Christian Living, church, Forgivness, God, Jesus, Love, practical, Scripture Hebrews, John, Luke Highland’s Area-Wide Youth Rally // Guest Speaker: Hunter Kennamer // “Love”
The Cost of Following January 19, 2020 David Morris Bible, Christian Living, commands, Disciple, Growth, Jesus, practical, Scripture, Truth Luke, Matthew
Jesus, Our Peace December 8, 2019 David Morris God, God's Attributes, Hope, Jesus, peace, practical, Scripture 1 Timothy, Luke, Matthew
Myths & Truths About Suffering September 1, 2019 David Morris Faith, God, Healing, Jesus, Questions, Sin, Suffering, Trust 1 Peter, John, Luke
Jesus & the Example of Love August 18, 2019 David Morris Bible, Jesus, Love, Scripture, Truth Luke, Matthew
Summer Series: We Are People Who Serve God July 31, 2019 Guest Speaker Christian Living, church, Disciple, Giving, practical, Scripture 1 Corinthians, Acts, Colossians, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Joshua, Luke, Matthew, Philippians, Romans
Understanding the Proverbs July 7, 2019 David Morris Bible, Father, Growth, Knowledge, Lessons, practical, Scripture, Wisdom 1 Kings, Luke, Proverbs