Wisdom Wednesday with Guest Speaker Wesley McGehee August 11, 2021 Wesley McGehee Anxiety, Belief, Faith, Hope Hebrews, Romans 0 Comments
“Run The Race” – Wisdom Wednesday (11/11/2020) November 11, 2020 Malvin Sanders Christian Living, Faith, Jesus, Mission, practical, Trust Hebrews
“The Temptation of Jesus” Part 2 – Wisdom Wednesday (11/4/2020) November 4, 2020 David Morris Bible, Forgivness, God, Holy, Jesus, Questions, Satan, Scripture, Sin Deuteronomy, Hebrews, Matthew
“The Most Important Person in Your Life” Wisdom Wednesday 10/7/20 Speaker: David Morris October 7, 2020 David Morris Basic, Belief, Bible, Christian Living, Creation, Father, God, God's Attributes, Gratefullness, Growth, Jesus, Kingdom, Knowledge, practical, Questions, Serving, Thankfulness, Trust, Truth, Wisdom, worship 1 Corinthians, Exodus, Hebrews, Isaiah, John, Micah, Psalm, Romans
“Worship-Beholding the Glory of God” – Sunday AM Online Worship Service – 10/4/20 – Speaker: David Morris October 4, 2020 David Morris Bible, Christian Living, commands, Faith, Father, God, Growth, heaven, Holy, Jesus, Kingdom, Knowledge, Lessons, Love, Mission, practical, Scripture, Serving, Singing, Trust, Truth, Wisdom, Word, worship 1 Chronicles, 1 Corinthians, 1 Kings, 1 Samuel, 1 Timothy, 2 Peter, Colossians, Deuteronomy, Ephesians, Exodus, Galatians, Hebrews, Isaiah, James, Jeremiah, John, Leviticus, Luke, Matthew, Psalm, Revelation, Romans
“How Do I Handle Sinful Anger?” (Sunday AM Online Worship Service- 8/30/20) August 30, 2020 David Morris Basic, Belief, Bible, Christian Living, commands, Disciple, Father, Forgivness, Giving, God, Gospel, Grace, Growth, Healing, Heart, Jesus, Knowledge, Lessons, Mercy, Patience, peace, practical, Questions, Scripture, Sin, Truth, Wisdom, Word 1 Corinthians, 1 Timothy, 2 Corinthians, Acts, Galatians, Genesis, Hebrews, James, Jeremiah, Matthew, Proverbs, Psalm, Romans
Wisdom Wednesday #22 8/12/20 “Do You Know God’s Name?” August 12, 2020 David Morris Basic, Bible, Christian Living, Creation, Father, God, God's Attributes, Grace, Holy Spirit, Jesus, King, Knowledge, Love, Mercy, practical, Questions, Scripture, Trust, Truth, Wisdom, Word 2 Corinthians, Exodus, Genesis, Hebrews, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Leviticus, Revelation
Jesus Wants You to Rest from Your Anxiousness (Sunday AM Worship Service – 8/9/2020) August 9, 2020 David Morris Anxiety, Basic, Belief, Bible, Christian Living, church, Faith, God, Gospel, Grace, Growth, Healing, Heart, Hope, Jesus, Lessons, Love, Mercy, peace, Prayer, Scripture, Trust, Word, Worry 1 Peter, Hebrews, Matthew, Philippians, Proverbs, Psalm, Romans
Wisdom Wednesday – #11 Our Ultimate Hope & Champion May 27, 2020 David Morris Bible, Faith, Gospel, Hope, Jesus, practical, Scripture, Truth Colossians, Hebrews, Psalm
Area-Wide Youth Rally 2020 February 9, 2020 Guest Speaker Bible, Christian Living, church, Forgivness, God, Jesus, Love, practical, Scripture Hebrews, John, Luke Highland’s Area-Wide Youth Rally // Guest Speaker: Hunter Kennamer // “Love”